Questions and answers

Question 1: Which entities need to have their financial statements audited ?

According to regulations in Article 37, Independent Audit Law No. 67/2011/QH12 dated March 29, 2011 and Article 15, Decree No. 17/2012/NĐ-CP dated March 13, 2012, the entities need to have their financial statements audited are as follows (file attached): Businesses and organizations which are required by law to have their financial statements audited by auditing firms or Vietnam-based branches of foreign auditing firms include:

  1. Businesses and organizations which are required by law to have their financial statements audited by auditing firms or Vietnam-based branches of foreign auditing firms include:
  • Foreign-invested enterprises;
  • Credit institutions established and operating under the Law on Credit Institutions including Vietnam-based branches of foreign banks;
  • Financial institutions, insurance businesses, re-insurance businesses, insurance brokerage businesses, branch of foreign non-life insurance companies;
  • Public companies, issuing organizations and securities trading organizations.
  1. Other businesses, organizations that are compulsory to have their financial statements audited as statutorily required;
  2. Businesses and organizations which are required have their financial statements audited by auditing firms or Vietnam-based branches of foreign auditing firms include:
  • State businesses, excluding those with operations involving state secrets, must have their financial statements audited annually;
  • For businesses and organizations carrying out important national projects or class-A projects funded by the state, excluding projects involving state secrets, settlement reports of completed projects must be audited;
  • For businesses and organizations in which the State group, incorporation hold more than 20% of voting right, their annual financial statements must be audited annually at the end of fiscal year;
  • For businesses in which listing, issuing organizations and securities trading organizations hold more than 20% of voting right, their annual financial statements must be audited annually at the end of fiscal year;
  • Auditing firms and Vietnam-based branches of foreign auditing firms must have their annual financial statements audited.
  1. In case where businesses, organizations whose financial statements must be audited as stipulated in Item 1 and 2 of this Article are required by law to have their financial statements to be consolidated, they have to prepare consolidated financial statements.
  2. The auditing of the financial statements and settlement reports of completed projects for businesses and organizations as stated in items a and b of this Article shall not replace the auditing of the State Auditor.
  3. Other businesses, organizations apart from the above shall be voluntary to have their financial statements audited.

Question 2: When is Moore AISC’ recruitment?

Human resource has been a decisive factor in the development and assertion of Moore AISC brand name over the last 25 years. We, therefore, always seek for talented and dedicated candidates to accompany with us to step forward in auditing – accounting – advisory fields.

  • Official recruitment is in June and October annually
  • Internship is in October annually